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Everything that we do at Saint Margaret’s is ministry. From visiting a sick parishioner in the hospital, to helping serve during a worship service, or participating in a Habitat for Humanity building project, all that we do in the name of Jesus is ministry. We believe that when one is called into a community of faith, part of that calling is to actively participate in the serving opportunities of the church. We are blessed with many volunteers who support the varied ministries inside our parish, our local community, in our diocese, and in the world.

We invite you to use the links below to view a partial listing of the many activities that take place at Saint Margaret’s. For more information about volunteering and engaging in the worship services on Sunday mornings please click the “ministry” link below. For more information about fellowship opportunities and ways to engage and get to know fellow parishioners please click the “connect” link below. For more information on pastoral care, whether you are in need of pastoral care or desire to offer pastoral care to others, please click the “pastoral care” link below.



The Acolyte corps assist the clergy in the varied liturgies and worship services of the church. Open to the children, youth, and adults of the parish.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild prepares the worship space for the liturgies of the church. Volunteers for the Altar Guild serve at the invitation of the rector, and provide a vital ministry to the ongoing work of the church. Members prepare the altar, wash the Eucharistic linens, and maintain proper upkeep of all vestments and vessels used for sacred worship.


Newcomers are invited to join us on Sunday mornings.

The choir is open to the youth and adults of the parish and rehearses weekly, providing musical support for all of the major liturgies of the church year. Rehearse on Wednesday nights. Provide musical support for special liturgies, such as Maundy Thursday and Christmas Eve.

More Info

Lay Eucharist Ministers

LEM’s are licensed by the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina, and serve as chalice bearers during Sunday services and regularly take communion to those unable to attend the Sunday Eucharist.

LEM also serve at weddings and funerals of the church. One must be a confirmed Episcopalian to be a LEM.


Contact Church office for more info.


The Greeter’s primary responsibilities include welcoming visitors into the worship service and assisting them in any way that is needed during Sunday morning services.

Sound Board Operators

These volunteers run the sound board during all liturgies and record the sermons for the website. Open to youth and adults.


The Ushers provide direction and order as the worship services take place in the Nave. They provide guidance for all in attendance, and are there to assist the parish in any way that is needed. Pass out bulletins. Clean and maintain the Nave after worship.


The Order of the Daughters of the King

The Order of the Daughters of the King is an international religious order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church, churches in communion with it, or churches in the historic episcopate. The Order’s purpose is to bring others into a living, loving, relationship with Jesus, and to help strengthen the spiritual life of our parishes and missions. The Order is a spiritual community in a busy world where women with similar interest can pray, study, share together, affirm ministries and support each other.

ECW (Women’s Group)

This group is open to the women of the parish, and its activities include monthly meetings, annual retreats, and the aid of various ministries and service projects throughout the calendar year.

Vacation Bible School

VBS is a weeklong curriculum for the children of the Waxhaw community. It provides age appropriate material to teach children about the stories of Jesus and His love for them.

Christian Formation

Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, there is a class or program at Saint Margaret’s that speaks to you. We offer a variety of weekly classes to engage children, youth and adults. Please visit our Christian Formation page to learn more.

Pastoral Care

Card Writing

Appropriate for major life events, this ministry reaches out to those who need a reminder that whatever they are going through, their parish family is there to help them and to pray for them.

Meals Ministry

This is a group of Saint Margaret’s volunteers that provides meals for those who have just had surgery or for parishioners who need some meals during major life events.

Guild of St. Gabriel

The Guild of St. Gabriel is a group at Saint Margaret’s aimed at bringing Christian fellowship to those parishioners who cannot get to church. If you would like more information on becoming a visitor, or if you know of someone who would benefit from a visit, please contact the church.

Knots of Love

This group meets once a month on Saturday mornings to spend time in prayer and conversation while making homemade items for parishioners or those in the community. Our Knots of Love group crafts handmade blankets and prayer shawls for persons experiencing any number of life challenges. To request a prayer shawl or prayer quilt, please contact Deidre Aust.

Reach out to our Clergy

If you are in need of pastoral assistance, please click here for more information on reaching a member of our clergy.

Want to get involved?

For more information on our Outreach Programs contact our Church Office at